追記 2007/12/11
Tumblr v3 になってからメンテナンスしていないので現在このコードは動きません。
- 参考にさせていただきました。ありがとうございます!
use Tumblr::Bot; use YAML; use XML::Simple; my $email = 'youremail@example.com'; my $password = 'password'; my $tumblr = Tumblr::Bot->new( email => $email, password => $password, ); warn $tumblr->dashboard; warn Dump $tumblr->friends; warn Dump $tumblr->followers; warn Dump XMLin $tumblr->read( id => 'user', start => 0, num => 5, ); $tumblr->write( type => 'photo', source => 'http://example.com/photo.jpg', ); $tumblr->add_friend('http://user.tumblr.com/'); $tumblr->reblog('http://user.tumblr.com/post/xxxxxxx');
package Tumblr::Bot; use strict; use WWW::Mechanize; use WWW::Mechanize::DecodedContent; use Web::Scraper; use Switch; use Encode qw//; use URI; our $VERSION = '0.01'; sub new { my ( $class, %options ) = @_; my $email = delete $options{email}; my $password = delete $options{password}; $options{agent} ||= __PACKAGE__ . '/' . $Tumblr::Bot::VERSION; $options{cookie_jar} ||= {}; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(%options); my $self = bless { mech => $mech, login => { email => $email, password => $password, } }, $class; $self; } sub login { my $self = shift; $self->post( 'http://www.tumblr.com/login' => $self->{login} ); warn 'logged in to tumblr'; } sub get_content { my ( $self, $uri, $encoding ) = @_; my $content = $self->get($uri) ? $self->content : undef; if ( $content && $encoding ) { $content = Encode::encode( $encoding => $content ); } $content; } sub get { my ( $self, $uri ) = @_; $self->{mech}->get($uri); if ( $self->{mech}->uri =~ /login/ig ) { $self->login; $self->{mech}->get($uri); } $self->{mech}->success; } sub post { my ( $self, $uri, $options ) = @_; $self->{mech}->post($uri, $options); $self->{mech}->success; } sub content { my $self = shift; $self->{mech}->decoded_content; } sub dashboard { my $self = shift; $self->get_content('http://www.tumblr.com/dashboard'); } sub read { my ( $self, %options ) = @_; my $id = delete $options{id}; my $uri = URI->new( sprintf 'http://%s.tumblr.com/api/read', $id ); $uri->query_form(\%options); $self->get_content($uri); } sub write { my ( $self, %params ) = @_; return unless $self->_validate_write(%params); $params{email} = $self->{login}{email}; $params{password} = $self->{login}{password}; $params{generator} = $self->{mech}{agent}; $self->post( 'http://www.tumblr.com/api/write' => \%params ); } sub _validate_write { my ( $self, %params ) = @_; switch ( lc $params{type} ) { case 'regular' { return (defined $params{title} || defined $params{body}); } case 'photo' { return (defined $params{source} || defined $params{data}); } case 'quote' { return defined $params{quote}; } case 'link' { return defined $params{url}; } case 'conversation' { return defined $params{conversation}; } case 'video' { return defined $params{embed}; } } } sub add_friend { my ( $self, $tumblr ) = @_; my $uri = URI->new('http://www.tumblr.com/publisher/iframe'); $uri->query_form( src => $tumblr ); $self->get($uri); if ( $self->content =~ /form/ ) { $self->{mech}->submit_form( form_number => 1 ); } else { warn 'already your friend'; } } sub friends { my $self = shift; my $scraper = scraper { process '//ul[@id="friends"]/li', 'friends[]' => scraper { process '//a[2]', name => 'TEXT', process '//a[2]', url => '@href', process 'img', img => '@src', }; }; $scraper->scrape( \$self->dashboard, URI->new('http://www.tumblr.com/dashboard') )->{friends}; } sub followers { my $self = shift; my $scraper = scraper { process '//ul[@id="followers"]/li/a[1]', 'followers[]' => scraper { process 'img', 'name' => '@alt', process 'a', url => '@href', process 'img', 'img' => '@src', }; }; $scraper->scrape( \$self->dashboard, URI->new('http://www.tumblr.com/dashboard') )->{followers}; } sub reblog { my ( $self, $post ) = @_; my($id) = $post =~ m{/post/(\d+)$}; my $url = 'http://www.tumblr.com/reblog/' . $id; $self->get($url); $self->{mech}->submit_form( form_number => 1 ); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Tumblr::Bot =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tumblr::Bot; use YAML; use XML::Simple; my $email = 'youremail@example.com'; my $password = 'password'; my $tumblr = Tumblr::Bot->new( email => $email, password => $password, ); warn $tumblr->dashboard; warn Dump $tumblr->friends; warn Dump $tumblr->followers; warn Dump XMLin $tumblr->read( id => 'user', start => 0, num => 5, ); $tumblr->write( type => 'photo', source => 'http://example.com/photo.jpg', ); $tumblr->add_friend('http://user.tumblr.com/'); $tumblr->reblog('http://user.tumblr.com/post/xxxxxxx'); =head1 DESCRIPTION Tumblr::Bot =head1 METHODS =head2 new creates an object. You can pass the optional hash. Important keys are: =over 4 =item email, passowrd to log in to Tumblr. =back Other options woule be passed to Mech, too. =head2 dashboard return dashboard html string. =head2 friends return friends array ref contains name, url, avatar url. =head2 followers return followers array ref contains name, url, avatar url. =head2 read using read api. options are: =over 4 =item id, start, num see L<http://www.tumblr.com/api> =back =head2 write using write api. options are: =over 4 =item type regular photo quote link conversation video L<http://www.tumblr.com/api> =back =head2 add_friend add friend. =over 4 =item tumblr home url =back =head2 reblog reblog post. =over 4 =item permalink =back =head1 AUTHOR Wataru Toya E<lt>watrty at gmail.comE<gt> =head1 LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO L<http://www.tumblr.com/>, L<http://www.tumblr.com/faqs>, L<http://www.tumblr.com/api> =cut